Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kids clothes and a twirly skirt

Kids clothes have been on my mind again lately as KCWC comes around again in a few weeks time (where have the last 6 months gone?!), and it made me think of this skirt that I made my big girl a while ago but hadn't blogged.

She and I attended a school concert one evening and her outfit made me cringe slightly. Not because it was mismatched, I'm over the embarrassment that it used to cause me. No, it was the very shabby state of her outfit and the fact that I knew she didn't have anything much better in her wardrobe - the perils of being first-born I guess - no nice hand-me-downs from a big sister. So... some sewing was in order.

She chose a lovely Prints Charming fabric from my stash and asked for a skirt. I hadn'tLink wanted to make a particularly girly skirt but thought the fabric deserved a bit of flounce. I'd admired the lovely Insa skirt Fi had made her girl and thought this would suit, so made up a pattern with that as my inspiration, with the idea that the purple underskirt would anchor the busy overlay.

Then I added a pocket the same as on my dress, a style that was lots of fun to sew again.

I was happy with the skirt, and my girl loved it, which of course made me happy. It's very bright and girly, and it's hard to get her to not team it with a busy patterned top most times (maybe there's a little of that mismatch embarrassment still there afterall ;-).

Moving forward I'd like to try something a little more grown-up for her, in a simple way, if you know what I mean. I don't think we could go as far as a minimalist linen shift, mind you, just something in a different direction. Hmm, any ideas welcome!


  1. It's gorgous. I love the fabrics together.

  2. Very cute skirt. Your daughter must be about the same age as my eldest (six). She is moving towards simpler, more grown-up clothing too.

  3. Thanks Trudi!

    Thanks too Gillian, and yes she's 6 also. I love that age, not yet a smarty pants but also not as 'challenging' as my 2 yr old and almost 4 yr old!

  4. Personally, I think a linen shift could be smashing! The skirt is adorable, by the way. :-)

  5. Thanks Inder. I was thinking that she wouldn't wear something as simple as a linen shift (even though I'd like her to!), but maybe I should give it a try. You never know!
