Sunday, October 2, 2011

Neighbourly neighbour gifts

Hi there, how are you? I always feel a bit disconnected from my blog on school holidays, I guess because I'm needed so much by the kids and also because we're out of routine (which I'm finding I like more as I get older - oh dear!). But it's really nice to be here today.

I thought I'd show you a couple of gifts I've been making for 2 separate very considerate neighbours. One has been letting me use her washing machine in our month without one (hopefully new one arriving this week!). I made her a little set of zip purse and tissue holder in a black & white Marimekko print for the outer and a coffee coloured linen for the inside.

The purse has turned out a weird shape (I love using metal zips but they can be stiff and a bit hard to use). I hope she can use it for something!

Neighbour no. 2 is an older lady who has been giving us jars of her homemade jam and Italian sweets. I made her a reversible shopping/book bag.

I found it harder to guess her taste in fabric design, so I figured if she doesn't like the Ikea contemporary floral print on one side she can turn it to the oatmeal coloured linen on the other.

I really love making gifts and hopefully the recipients will get some use out of them. But even so at least they'll know they're appreciated. Having good neighbours really is a valuable thing.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend.


  1. Wow what lovely/sweet neigbours you have... very lucky!!! I'm sure they will be totally thrilled with their gifts.. they are gorgeous! A great idea to do the bag reversible :)

  2. Lovely gifts, I'm sure your neighbours will be thrilled to recieve them.
    How do you make the little zipped bag that shape? do you start off with a tube shape or taper it, you have made that shape before and I would love to have a go.

  3. Thanks girls!

    Hi Nick,
    I like making this shape as it's just a bit different to the usual. I've made it 2 different ways:

    • with this latest one it's a slightly rectangular shape that I've squared off the base so that it will stand up, and that squaring off brings the sides in at the bottom giving it that shape.

    • the other one you may be thinking of here:
    is just a squarish shape with rounded corners on the bottom.

    I'll try to get my act together and make a (proper) tutorial for this as it's such a good little project... check back with me in a little while :-)

  4. Yes please a tutorial would be great, thankyou.
