Friday, October 7, 2011

Quick crafty update

As the school holidays here start to come to a close I give a sigh of relief (I'm over the fighting and mess). Keeping me sane over this period I've been:

• Casting on for a dolls pram blanket:

... after being inspired by these beauties from The Purl Bee:

• Making a start on crafting for the school fete:

• Trying to keep the kids busy with various activities... this one lasting a matter of minutes:

• In love with this new piece of fabric that just had to come home with me after a recent trip to Ikea (points off for re-stashing). Lots of ideas spinning around my head involving this one:

And enjoying pinning kids clothes ideas for KCWC next week.

Hope your marbles are intact (not sure whether mine are) and you have a lovely weekend!

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