Tuesday, April 24, 2012

KCWC day 1

I decided that the best use of time during KCWC this time is to make my  boy some much needed everyday clothes: some trousers, a hoodie (or 2?) and maybe a little cap if I can fit it in.

Last night I got sewing on a pattern I bought ages ago but hadn't made yet, Heidi & Finn's 'Urban Unisex Hoodie'. I bought the pattern with my little girl in mind but she's such a girly girl (skirts, dresses, pretty shoes etc) that I don't think she'd wear one of these. But it looks perfect for my active boy.

I had hoped to finish it last night, but after a day of looking after 5 kids (my friend's lovely 2 girls along with my 3) I had to admit defeat. I'm hoping to finish it tonight, so maybe I'll have some photos tomorrow.

Are you participating in KCWC? How's it going if you are? There are so many things I'd like to make but restricted time - ah well, something is better than nothing, right? :-)

* And thanks to the lovely Fran I'm dying to make another Heidi & Finn pattern - the Cowl Neck Jumper Dress. My little girl would adore it but perhaps it will need to wait til after her brother gets his winter wardrobe sorted.


  1. I love the colours you've chosen for your little boys hoodie - so earthy & woodland-y. I'm a huge fan of this hoodie pattern - it looks so cute on, and my littlest boy wears his two all the time. I've also got the Cowl Neck Jumper Dress in my inbox..waiting for me to have a play with for a friend's little girl (mine's too big at 8!). Happy sewing!

    1. Thanks Kelly, strangely it does have a woodlands look, which I love, but purely by accident as I was using up scraps. And good to know that your boy wears his, I'm hoping it will be really useful.

  2. wow, the hoodie already looks great! I started already on sunday I could not wait and have finished one dress and one other is on it's way. Next up are some shorts for the summer. Good luck finding some time to sew more ;-)

  3. It's looking great so far and that is a really cute hoodie pattern... it's going to look really cool on him! :)

  4. HI Jo,

    that hoodie pattern looks great. Love the green and the buttons!

    Maybe we can do a pattern swap when we're both done?

  5. I've been eyeing this pattern for a while - it's so cute! - but Joe won't wear any kind of sweatshirt even on really cold days, so I'm afraid I'd spend a ton of time making something really great he wouldn't wear. Sigh.

    I love the green with brown lining and wood buttons - I agree with Kelly, it's very woodland elf! Super cute.

    My KCWC is off to a slow start, but I did get a little bit done yesterday.

    1. I know what you mean about not wanting to make something your boy might not wear - like trying to get my little girl into trousers, no worth the trouble! Hope you're getting some KCWC sewing time in ;-)
