Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Me Made May 2013 week 3


15. Magenta merino cropped briar (unblogged)  16. Cropped Briar  17.  self-drafted merino cowl neck top , Minoru jacket 18. Burdastyle bag 19. self-drafted merino top, simple belt made with fabric remnant (not blogged)  20. Gingham schoolhouse tunic  21.  Magenta merino cropped briar (unblogged), Cap sleeve TovaBlack Spinal trousers and no-sew scarf 

Here's week 3 of the challenge. What I found in week 3 was that:

- I infatuated with my Briars (days 15, 16 & 21), and so they are in high rotation (the lovely pattern designer Megan Nielsen even commented on my frequent wearing of them on my Flickr page - slightly embarrassed ;-)

- Its been so lovely to get out and wear the Minoru jacket (day 17) that I made last winter. This is probably my proudest sewing achievement and I love wearing it.

- my workhorse merino tops (days 17 & 19) are great fall backs when I'm not feeling inspired or when I'm feeling chilly. The cowl neck top is particularly snuggly.

- Day 18 was pretty much a fail, but I did use the bag that I made from the Burdastyle Handbook. I'm not into changing bags regularly: I tend to make one, use it til it dies then make another. So this one gets used every single day at the moment.

- There are quite a few garments in my wardrobe that I'm just not  into anymore (or maybe just at the moment?). It feels like a shame and a waste, but then I take comfort in the fact that some pieces, like the Black Spinal trousers and Schoolhouse tunic, have been worn over and over.

- Day 21 was all me-made except my boots and underwear - yay! It was a bit of a crazy outfit but I still felt good in it.


  1. Wow!!! That's so awesome! Love all your handmade things :)

  2. I love the colours of your outfits and the briars look gorgeous the way you have layered them.

  3. I'm now dreaming of a Briar . . . sigh. Has to wait a week and a half. I have the jacket on the to-do list for fall. ;)

    And . . . I blame my lurking your blog for my making a pinkish bag today. LOL.

  4. You're doing so well! I'm the same with handbags...too much effort to change all the time!

  5. I love seeing everyone's Me Made Mays, I think I might join it next year. I think everyone has those items they make and then never wear that much. I made an infinity dress and I have worn it twice.. oops.

  6. Well done. I have briar lust now too....
