Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A bit of nature and a bit of craft

Last weekend we finally got away for a short break. When our little girl was a baby we went away for a few days and it threw her sleep routine out so far that it resulted in 5 months of severe deprivation (and a few bagels, you might remember here). So naturally we've been cautious with no. 3. Feeling brave at last, we recently organised to meet friends with children of a similar age for a weekend at the coast.

Now, my crafty friend and I did contemplate taking our sewing machines and making it a pseudo craft weekend, but decided to stick to a bit of quiet crafting in the evenings, sharing our craft books and lots of enthusiastic discussion on future projects. Of course the boys got lots of craft teasing in "we've been duped, this is actually a craft weekend, isn't it!" and lots of discussions were had on the love and many uses of iPhones (crafty post to come later).

Happily, there was time for some relaxing, leisurely coffee drinking, scouring of the beach for shells, peering into rockpools, checking out the rainforest and consuming some good food and red wine in great company. All in all a good break away, with hopefully no long lasting sleep damage :-)

1 comment:

  1. awwww - that first photo gave me a pang xxx
