Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More new shoes for the boy

You know how kids lose shoes... all the time! Well we lost one of the little leather soled shoes I made recently and so I made another pair on the weekend.

I used the repurposed leather from an old op-shop skirt again for the sole, lined them in beige linen, put some felt lining for cushioning between the outer and inner soles, and got to use some of this fantastic Echino japanese linen/cotton for the uppers.

They are a bit hard to get on his feet at first, as all the fabrics are woven so there's no real stretch, but otherwise they're going well. I can't wait to use the Echino fabric again maybe as trim for a pair of shorts for summer.

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I'm so pleased to see that Dana from Made is going to again be running "Celebrate the boy". I'll definitely want to join in to give me the incentive to make some clothes for my boy. I'm relieved it doesn't start til February though - after the silly season and hopefully a little rest in January.

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On that note about trying to get too much done, I have shelved plans to make the fabulous Heidi & Finn hoodie that I'd had in my "next on my sewing machine" column over on the right. Though the weather has been cool lately I hear some warmer weather is coming and I don't want to make something the boy will grow out of before next autumn... so it's on to a dress for the big girl (hopefully ;-)

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