Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cloud gift tags & wrapping paper

One of the nice things about making your own stamps to block print is that they are so versatile. After using my little cloud on fabric I got out the ordinary stamp pads to make some prints on paper and card.

I needed a gift card and wrapping paper for friends who've just had a baby boy, so I experimented with printing onto different cards and papers. I think the one on cross-hatch textured gray card (top pic) is my favourite. It was also fun to team the cards with different ribbons, or in this case plain old cotton string.

On the technical side, I'd highly recommend the Versa Magic brand of stamp pad. Mine just keep going and going and this white gives a lovely chalky finish.

Lots of creative spaces to enjoy exploring over here.


  1. How sweet, love the overlap and the uneven print, works so well with the cloud image :-)
    I love stamping, must do some more soon!

  2. Lovely little card! I love using cotton is so soft and natural looking.

  3. I love your cloud stamp... it's so versatile!!
    Great idea using it on cards and paper... It looks really fab on the cross hatch paper! Hmmm you have inspired me...I'm going to me some tools for stamp making.. very soon!

  4. Your little clouds look amazing - especially the one on the cross hatch note card! I love it! :)

  5. I don't stamp but the cloud on the grey cross hatched card looks so stylish. What lucky friends.

  6. Simple yet beautiful. What a lovely blog.

  7. Hi Jo, I love your work! And lovely tips! Where do you get the cloud rubber stamp from? I seem to be finding difficulty finding them!

    thanks for all your tips and lovely handiwork!


  8. Jo,
    Where did you get the cloud stamp from????
