Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My computer hates me

...Well, that's how it feels when the rotten thing won't work.

I have things to show you:

* momentos from my weekend alone with my lovely big girl

* my finished Minoru jacket (yay, finished at last!)

* and some freshly screen printed fabric to be made into cushions to match a new print...

But instead I sit here on the Mr's iPad, grinding my teeth at my computer downstairs, it's photos all ready to go but not letting me in... I just hope it's not some awful virus...

AND a comment on my last post from Nic, including some very helpful suggestions on crafty places to visit in Hobart, has been eaten by Blogger - Nic, if you're out there, thank you!...

I'm hoping it will all right itself and I'll be back here soon... wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no... naughty computer... grrr!!! Hope it comes back to life soon :)
