Friday, June 1, 2012

Actually useful sewing

Recently I have been trying to address that list in my head entitled "things to sew that we actually need".

The thing that's been at the top of the list is a new ironing board cover. The old one was so threadbare and tattered that it was actually falling apart. I won't bore you with pictures of it, but needless to say that a piece of sturdy linen from the stash, some elastic and just a bit of my time have transformed this useful household object (largely used for my sewing projects ;-) and was extremely satisfying to do.

The other thing I made was another pair of trousers for my little boy. What with toilet training (ie: accidents) and running out of hand-me-downs his cupboard is always pretty empty at the moment.

I made another pair of 'Basic pocket pants' from the lovely book Growing up Sew Liberated, this time using some stretch cord from my stash. I made the legs a little slimmer this time around and added a little pocket to the back using scraps of one of my favourite boy fabrics, Echino's cars. The only pic I could get of him in his new duds is this one of his cute little behind ;-)

Now if I could just make 2 more pair of trousers, some t-shirts, pyjamas and a couple of hoodies we'd be OK for winter. Hmm... as usual, too many sewing plans, not enough time. I think a trip to the shops is in order unfortunately, if this mama is to get any sleep!!

More creative goodness happening over here.


  1. ha ha ha I made my poor old ironing board a new cover not that long ago too... I had been putting it off for SOOOOOO long because there was always something much more exciting to make on the to do... until one day one day the ironing board cover totally died! I am glad I finally made it!

    Love those pants and the cute little butt :)

  2. they are super cute pants! need to make some of those myself :)

  3. Well done on ticking a couple of things off your's never ending isn't it?
    I should make myself a sturdy ironing board cover as I use it for crafting on as well.......

    Cute little duds and cute little dude wearing them...

    Claire :}

  4. I recently made a new ironing board cover too! It looked great until I ironed over a tracing pen and put transferred it to the cover :( The pants look great! Love the pocket (and the action shot). I planned to make a heap of pyjamas for my son too, but like you, too many projects on so I just bought 3 pairs instead.

  5. Ooh, I like how you've sewn the pockets down in front! That's the only annoying thing about these pants - when they come out of the wash, the pockets are always screwy (especially since I keep sewing them up in cotton and linen!) - sewing down the pockets would help address that. Good idea!!

    I thought about covering my ironing board but ended up deciding it would be too boring and buying a new cover instead. Yeah, I suck.

  6. Hi Jo, we're fellow hand print swap-ees so I thought I'd stop over and say hello :) I love those cute little trousers - especially with that patch pocket. What a lovely, useful blog you have. I've now got tonight's supper sorted (your pasta with broad bean sauce)...
