Monday, June 18, 2012

Little girl's cowl neck dress

Still on my drive to keep my kids warm, I made this comfy dress for my little girl last week. I fell in love with the pattern (another from Heidi & Finn) when I started seeing them around blogland and it was cemented when I spied Fran's lovely versions.
It's a complete copycat version of the one on the pattern as I had a great piece of thick red fleecy fabric in my stash. It's such a quick, easy sew, with good instructions (as I've found with other H&F patterns). I used a straight stitch on the seams and my overlocker (serger) to finish them, but as knit fabrics don't tend to fray I think you could get away with not finishing the edges as long as your straight stitch is nice and strong. I love a pattern where I can trace and cut out the pattern and fabric in one evening then sew the garment the next evening, so quick and easy.

 And as well as keeping her warm, apparently it's great for splashing in puddles...

and skipping down the street :-)

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. Very cute red dress... love the striped tights with it! Definately perfect for skipping and puddles :)

  2. Oh, now I'm even more tempted than ever to buy that pattern! (but trying to be "good" and sew through the ones I currently have first!). What a cozy and comfy looking dress - I'm sure you're daughter will find it quickly becomes a favorite!

  3. I love this pattern, and have pinned several versions! So cozy and comfortable. I don't currently have a little girl to sew it for, but I love it nonetheless. It is smashing in red with striped stockings and boots! Like something from a children's book!

  4. love it Jo! Red is just the best colour :)))))
