Monday, July 23, 2012

Coffee print t-shirts

Thank you for your comments and emails on my last post about social media. It's really interesting to hear how people use it and has given me a lot to think about.

It was the Mr's birthday yesterday and I made him a few homemade presents. You might be thinking 'of course you did', but actually he is normally spared  from the crafting frenzy outcomes around here.
Looking for inspiration on what to make, I looked at some facts:
1. The Mr is a self-confessed coffee nerd, I'm sure he won't mind me telling you :-) Obsessed.
2. He never seems to have enough t-shirts
So I thought I'd combine the two and design and screen print a 'homage to coffee' type themed t-shirt.

The design I settled on is a stylised illustration of the filter basket thingy (the thing that holds the coffee grounds as the water get filtered through).

Then I added a starburst or halo of coffee beans around it for a bit of fun. I bought 2 t-shirts to use (not trusting myself with 1 in case it went wrong) from American Apparel. I printed one, holding my breath - what a scarey thing it is to print straight onto the finished piece! So different to using a length of fabric where you can just print more.

And I also printed some coffee coloured linen for another little present which I'll show you later this week when I'm organised.

And then, as I find often happens with the creative process, suddenly I looked at the filter basket again in a different way. It looked like a person, complete with little ears :-) Adding a few coffee beans completed the picture. So I printed that one up too.

 I'm pretty happy with the outcome, and think they look like 'real' t-shirts, if you know what I mean!


  1. As you know, I love the first design! I also really love the second one, filter basket head... ha ha ha very cool! And they absoluetly DO look like "real" t-shirts :)

  2. Sooooo cool! Love them both.

    And SNAP, it was my hubby's birthday yesterday too but I'm afraid to say this time round there was not a handmade pressie in sight!

  3. Hee hee! These are awesome! My lil' brother works at a coffee shop and is total coffee nerd as well. He would love these!

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