Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Simplicity 2226 no. 2

Thank you for your comments on my last post regarding crazy crafting, I'm glad I'm not alone in my frenzied creative pursuits!

Recently I made another version of the popular skirt pattern Simplicity 2226 (see the last one here), this time in denim. 

I'd been picturing this pattern in denim for ages but the denim I used was a bit too heavy for the design, resulting in a very 'pouffy' kind of look (and quite uncooperative gathers in the sewing process!). I'm hoping as it's washed over and over this will settle a bit. But overall I'm pretty happy with this skirt and have worn it quite a bit already. It's got a bit of attitude and personality, which I like, but is also simple enough to pair with strong colour and accessories.
A little feature I had fun with was putting in an exposed zip, which I did partly because I wanted to use a nice chunky metal zip and also because I lazily thought it would be easier than setting it in properly, which it was ;-). And being dark, a lot of imperfections like wonky stitching are hidden.

My enthusiasm for blue and red is still going strong, as you can see and I thought I'd show you my favourite accessories at the moment: A ring with bamboo on the base and resin on the top (don't know the brand unfortunately) and a set of beaded bracelets from the talented people at Elk. And my top is an old favourite from Metalicus, just in case you were wondering :-)


  1. Love your variation with the exposed zipper! I made this pattern in grey last winter . . . thinking I may need a denim one as well after seeing yours!

  2. Nice one, Jo. I actually think the 'pouffy' aspect is really appealing. And I think you're right, it does have a bit of attitude, but only in a good way! Also a great look with leggings. Well done!

  3. It looks great... and I quite like the pouffiness :) Love the external zip... hmmm I think I may have to use that idea... nothing wrong with laziness if it turns out fab :)

  4. Really love this style of skirt on you (pouffiness and all!), and I'm glad you've made another one! The exposed zip is so hip, and you say it's easier? Hmmmm.

  5. Oh, oh, oh! I ordered the pattern for this skirt at least two months ago and it's not here. Boo hoo. Whenever I call up to see where it is, the staff say they just can't get the stock. Seeing your lovely skirts just makes me want it even more!
