Wednesday, October 23, 2013

KCW Japanese top and bubble shorts

I've been wanting to make my big girl a short sleeved blouse for summer, and have had my eye on Figgy's Ayashe top but decided to use my Japanese pattern book instead (the shorts she's wearing here are from the same book).


She chose this apple print cotton and it sewed up nicely but I got a feeling making it that it was going to be too small... and it was, so I did some alterations to save it, mainly making the armholes and neckline larger. I'd used the largest size in the book, size 8, which would usually be her size, but I guess Japanese children are smaller.



And on checking the Ayashe pattern details it only goes up to size 8/9 too. In any case it made me realise that she's entering that stage when she's getting too big for children's sizes but not big enough for adult sizes.


I also finally finished the bubble shorts for one of her best friends that I'd promised ages ago. The poor girl had resorted to very timidly asking my girl how they were going - oh the shame, letting a little girl down! I think I'll wrap them up nicely and add something special to say sorry.

Do you have that problem with the sizes? Find it hard to buy appropriate patterns/clothing for your almost tween?


  1. Love the shorts and top, and I do sympathise with the in-between age issue! My son is a tall 9-year-old - sadly, too big for Happy Homemade - and I find it just about impossible to find any good patterns for his clothes. I just have to content myself with sewing for daughter while she's still small...

    1. Think I'll concentrate on my smaller ones too Marisa! Just noticed that Oliver & S have a few patterns that go up to size 12 though so that may buy us a couple more years!

  2. This is really lovely Jo! I have this book too and I had the opposite problem - the size 2 dress on my 2yo was down to her ankles! Japanese kids clothing is all sized in cms, so they probably had to try and assign a 'size' to the patterns when they translated them, that's my guess anyway.

    1. Thanks Renee! It almost seems like we should do muslins for kids clothes too but I don't think I could bear to - its enough to do them for myself ;-)

  3. oh, I hate's so tricky! I wish you could just give them your measurements and they grade the pattern exactly for you...perfect!
