Thursday, September 15, 2011

New bag

When my son was born just over 2 years ago I made myself 2 new 'nappy bags' (wash one, wear one). Essentially they're just big totes with lots of pockets and enough room to carry all the stuff that goes along with babies. I'd noticed them getting more and more tatty as time went on: stained and getting threadbare in places. I guess 2 years of being dragged around parks will do that! So recently I decided that they were so embarrassingly shabby that they had to go.

Maybe it was time to downsize and go back to one of my old favourite Nicola Cerini messenger bags, I thought. Afterall, I rationalised, my boy's not a newborn anymore, I don't need to drag that much stuff around now, surely! But, after a week of pulling everything out to get to that box of band-aids at the bottom, or having to take another bag with me to store the snacks and drinks I realised that it was not yet time :-( Never mind, that time will come again, but in the meantime it was an excuse for some sewing!

This time around I knew exactly what style would be useful, so I designed a large tote with large pleats, fully lined, with interior pockets and an adjustable strap.

For the outer I used one of my favourite Ikea prints from the stash (yay stash busting!) and for the lining I used some of my heavy denim (used here for a skirt). As the shade of blue clashed slightly with the outer fabric I turned it over and used the reverse side of the denim, which also gave me a lighter tone, much better for being able to see inside the bag.

I cut the buckles and magnetic snap off one of the old bags and felt good about being able to re-use them, the rest of the old bag going in the bin.

Just after I finished the bag I came across this fantastic post all about bag making. I urge you to have a look at it if you are interested at all in making one. I had a few 'a ha!' moments reading it.

So... yes, it's a huge bag, but so far doesn't feel too cumbersome. It's comfy and practical and I never get sick of that print. I guess time will tell how durable it is, but at least I don't have to carry around those other embarrassments anymore ;-)

Lots of lovely creativity to peruse here.


  1. great design! love how you've placed the design elements in the fabric too. lovely!

  2. Wow, you've done an amazing job, looks fantastic and super functional!

  3. Love it... I just love the reverse denim lining, such a great idea! I am so inpsired to make a new bigger bag too now! :)

  4. Gorgeous! I Love it!!! That Ikea fabric is yummy. Good thinking with reversing the lining - I might have to go and read that bag making post - I have made a couple using tutorials, but I always seem to be tweaking them. Thanks!

  5. What a great looking bag. Good idea about the lining. My (purchased) nappy bag had a dark brown lining which always made it a struggle to find things.

  6. That is another CHAMPION bag. First pattern in the book you're writing, right? Lots of love xxx

  7. Gorgeous bag! Reminds me of my Curlypops bag that I use every day. It's very similar and just perfect for all the paraphenalia my children expect me to carry. Hope you made two!

  8. Wow, that is beautiful. I love the subtle color and print - I love printed bags, but I always feel they would make it hard for ME to wear all kinds of prints! This strikes the perfect balance. It's also beautifully made. Well done. :-)

  9. That is awesome fabric! I also long for the day when you don't have to carry around a huge diaper bag, and my little one is only 6m old. Looks like I will have a long wait! LOL!

  10. very well made
    and i love the fabric !
    big bags are the best because we always need to carry so much don't we ?! besides i like the ones that leave your hands free :)
    this is a prefect one, really

  11. Very nice. I love that IKEA fabric too - but I don't have any! You definitely have a bit longer of carrying lots of stuff around. I reckon when they are all at school (even preschool), you'll get to downsize.
    I have another bag i'm just about to share too!

  12. Very nice! Any change you sell the pattern :-)? I would really like to make one myself!

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