Carrying on from the last Ikea fabric love post, here's another of my favourite prints, and another chair, this time the grown-up version. I loved covering this chair just as much as the other, and as I'm not as precious about this fabric I'll be happy to recover it in a different print when I get sick of this one. I think the whole chair only cost me about $30 in fabric, so a pretty small investment. It's quite a feature in the lounge room, and I must admit that when I'd finished it I wasn't sure if I liked it or not "is it funky or Nanna?" - not that Nanna's can't be funky!! It was 1am when I finished it afterall, maybe that had something to do with it. But I settled on funky, particularly after a couple of friends whose style I admire said they loved it (just call me a sheep).
Now this odd horse shoe-looking thing above you may know is a breast feeding pillow. I made it when pregnant with no. 3 from a pattern from the fabulous Lotta Jansdotter book Simple sewing for baby. With the first 2 babies I'd used a pillow or nothing and got sore shoulders with those numerous feeds that newborns demand. It was also intended to be used as a baby sitter type thing where it would support the baby and toys could be hooked into the ribbon tags I'd sewed into the outer edges. But alas my boy is not the sit there and ponder type and was off crawling soon after he sat up.
I also made an Amy Butler sun hat, which turned out OK but went a bit too floppy in the brim... more interfacing needed.
The fabric
Heavy weight 100% cotton. I think it was from the "Gunilla" collection. That's one thing about the Ikea fabrics, if you see something you like, buy some of it, as they change the range quite often. What I love about this print is the beautiful organic shapes. I don't know if they're based on real plants or not, but the shapes and colours are gorgeous and I never get tired of it.
NOT Nanna!!! I love this chair as much as the Dala horse print. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. I'm trying to get inspired to cover a couch and am procrastinating waiting for a very funky IKEA fabric to come back in with houses all over it, so fab (they keep promising!) xxx