There's a lot of family admin (or 'fadmin' as I heard it called recently :-) going on here today. You know, boring stuff like paying bills, making appointments etc. So there's not much time for craft, but between stirring the dinner on the stove and hanging out the washing (my life is so glamorous!) I was determined to start tracing off a pattern.
My big girl is turning 6 soon, and instead of having a party this year she is having her 2 besties here for a sleepover. All the girls love craft and pretty things, and I wanted to incorporate some of that into the event. I bought the lovely "Bedtime stories" kimono pyjama pattern from Oliver & S a while ago and thought I'd make a matching pair for each of them to wear on the night and take home. It wouldn't be a family celebration if I didn't come up with some lengthy project that will keep me up til all hours! But I'm trying to be organised with this one. I have about 2 weeks, and am hopefully buying the fabric this weekend. Wish me luck!
I didn't realize o + s did a pj pattern. I've been looking for something similar for my son and daughter. It is so hard to find the time with three for sewing,isn't it? But worth it.