The school holidays, as always, seem to be sapping most of my energy. I've been doing some sewing and we've been doing some kids craft projects but frustratingly there's not been much time to write about it...
Earlier in the week I finished this doona (duvet) cover and pillowcase that's been hanging around half finished for a while. My motivation for finishing it was our broken washing machine, but that's another story (tedious but top of mind - 4 weeks with no washing machine in a 5 person house - arghh!).
Anyway... I used a lovely piece of printed linen that a friend had given me a while ago. She had intended to make it into curtains for her girl's bedroom but changed her mind.
If you've never made bedding, and have a large length of fabric to use up, I'd urge you to give it a go. I've made a few now and each time I just sew around all 3 sides, leaving the bottom edge open, then sew some velcro on for the closure and sew in a little on the left and right sides to close it up a bit.
Of course if you have expensive fabric or it's not wide enough it can be a pain and also more expensive than buying a set, but if you've got the right fabric, it's a quick and easy project. Mine needed a join in the middle but it's not too obvious. I also find it pretty hard to find bedding that I like in the shops, so it's a way of getting something you like.

OK, pretty much out of time, must go and prepare more food for the hungry hoards. Hopefully I'll get a chance to pop in here again sometime soon. Geez, at the moment I feel like something between a short order cook, entertainment manager, conflict resolution coach and housemaid!
* Apologies for the gloomy pics, it's been overcast and rainy here - just what you need for school holidays!
More creative spaces to lose yourself in over here.
Oh dear...ha ha ha holidays are not really a holiday for mums/jack of all trades, hey!! Hope you survive :) Oh and the duvet looks fab!