Thursday, June 23, 2011

My creative space: dyeing

I have blue fingers again today - only slightly from the cold, mostly from the dye that I have been playing around with again today.

I've been getting hugely inspired by all the blog posts on dyeing I've seen lately. I came across the Make Something blog recently. Have you seen it? Karyn sews the most amazing things (check out her '13 dressses' - I want one of each!). She writes about natural dyeing and 'Shibori'. Inspiring stuff. Karyn also owns and runs a sewing shop where she teaches sewing (and sells sewing related stuff I think) and hires out sewing machines by the hour - how cool is that!! I just want to be Karyn ;-)

OK, off to be me... see you tomorrow for my blogiversary giveaway!! Yay, I've finally got it together (well, almost).

* I'll explain more later about the dresses I'm dyeing and my plans for them - lots of experiments going on.

More creative spaces to be seen here.


  1. This all looks very intriguing??? Looking forward to seeing the results! I love getting dye and paint all over my hands... reminds me what I have been up to :) What great little blog "make something" is... I will checking it out regularly!

  2. Is that a school house tunic I spy?

  3. It is indeed - good spotting Deb ;-)
    It was a rocky journey but I think I'm almost happy with it now, I'll spill the beans soon.

  4. Very intriguing! Can't wait to see what you have been doing with the schoolhouse tunic.


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